Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Last you heard from me, I was on the verge of a breakdown.

Well, I'm not anymore. I'm enjoying myself immensely, as a matter of fact. :)

I think we're in the sixth week now, which is hard to believe. This past weekend, I went to Assisi with a few classmates and an old friend of mine who is here in Florence on another program. Assisi was GORGEOUS! We visited the San Francesco basilica and looked at the frescos, and then climbed to the top of the hill to explore the fortress. On the way, we found some excellent gelato. :)

From the fortress, you can see for miles in all directions. The views were breathtaking, even though the weather was a bit dreary. That was easily one of the most beautiful parts of the world I've ever seen.

Our full class schedules started this week, and I'm enjoying my classes so far. I've had a lot of reading to do, but I don't mind reading. After all, I'm majoring in English Lit. :)

That's all... I'll update again soon!

Con amare,



  1. Glad to hear you're doing better hun :) Embrace the experience and all that comes with it!

  2. Wasn't Assisi just gorgeous!!! I cannot wait to travel to more wonderful places with you, we really have the opportunity of a life time so lets embrace the experience. Yay Italia :)

  3. I loved Assisi, I'm glad you enjoyed it as much as I did :)
